Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Frugalonomcis Tip#2

In this exercise, I will give tons of examples as to how to save money and tons of examples to earn money. Kindly feel free to comment or critique. Also add some of your own examples which can help others.

Always have some money earning interest. You will be amazed at the power of Compound Interest. Albert Einstein called Compound Interest as the best thing which can happen to mankind.
If you save some money on regular basis make it a point that you put some money aside regularly to be put on interest.

Do not wait for some big sum of money to be accumulated, start earning interest on whatever sum of money you have.

The converse is absolutely true. If you have any liability or debts on which you are paying interest, then try to get rid of it as soon as possible.

If you ask me, whether which to go for. I would say first clear off your debts and then start putting money on interest. Simple reason, you might be definitely paying more % interest than you would earn by depositing.

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