Friday, March 4, 2011

Frugalonomcis Tip#4 Frugality a trait for Riches

If you feel shy to be frugal and think that it is not a style statement or a class statement, then check these facts.

Few of the most successful and richest people in the world have been among the most frugal ones. I do not know if there is any correlation in the two characteristics.

Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart used to stay at the cheapest room in hotels. 4 of Walton family members are among the top 15 richest people.

Azeem Premji, once the 2nd richest person, used to travel economy class.

Warren Buffet still lives in the same house since more than 4 decades.

There are many exmaples of rich and famous people living a thrift lifestyle. So do not hesitate to go that extra mile to save that extra dollar.

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